Apparently the Columbus Cougar girls New Year’s resolution was to pick up their game after stumbling out to a 1-3 start before the holiday break.
The Park City Panther basketball squads are so far dominating 6C in convincing fashion.
Both boys’ and girls’ teams racked up two more weekend wins.
The Columbus/Absarokee wrestling team hosted a 9-team invitational tournament last weekend.
The team trophy was won by Huntley Project who outpaced runner-up Forsyth by 31 points.
Both Reed Point Renegade basketball squads kicked the new year off in convincing fashion, sweeping weekend games.
The Park City Lady Panthers were hungry last weekend and proved it with two big conference wins.
The Reed Point-Rapelje Renegades traveled to Pryor to play the Warriors.
Absarokee 48, Bridger 32
Bridger 4 10 9 10 — 32
Absarokee 9 13 10 16 — 48
The Park City Panthers won both weekend games in convincing fashion, beating Roberts by 52 points and Absarokee by 16.
The Columbus/Absarokee Wrestling team went 6-2 in dual action over the weekend.