Commissioners apparently disregard public opinion
We, the members of the Historic Preservation Commission of Stillwater County and Columbus, are disappointed in your decision to renovate the old hospital as county office space.
We, the members of the Historic Preservation Commission of Stillwater County and Columbus, are disappointed in your decision to renovate the old hospital as county office space.
Many thanks to the Absarokee Water District. Their response to a major leak in the line from the water main into my home was outstanding.
My 14-year-old son recently informed my wife and I of the subject his geography class is studying: Islam.
Stillwater County Commissioners put their thumbs on the scale when weighing courthouse options
Last Tuesday during the agenda meeting, the county commissioners made a decision to utilize the “old hospital” for county office space while leaving law enforcement and the courts at the courthouse
We are very disappointed, indeed dismayed, to learn of the recent decision by the county commission in favor of remodeling the old hospital for county office space rather than the other alternative
The Columbus Booster Club would like to thank all the volunteers that helped Columbus High School host the Southern B Divisional volleyball tournament this past weekend.
Last week, a letter to the Stillwater County News was posted under the headline of “Political voting choices impact personal choices in life.”
We would like to thank our community for coming together during the most difficult time in our lives.
I first met Greg Gianforte when he attended a “Politics and Eggs Breakfast-Montana Style” hosted by Stillwater Republican Women last December.