American generosity cannot save Third World countries
As a subscriber to the SCN, I would like to comment on “Appalled” from Kathleen Ralph that appeared in the Jan. 18 edition.
As a subscriber to the SCN, I would like to comment on “Appalled” from Kathleen Ralph that appeared in the Jan. 18 edition.
I am appalled by the language used by our president describing Haiti and African countries in his recent meeting on immigration. His vulgar and racist comments are offensive and disturbing.
The “Demolition Derby” picture on page 1 of last week’s SCN prompted the following:
Michael “Mike” White, 60, passed away at his home in Manhattan on Jan. 3, 2018.
Wow! In reference to Jeanette Bossen’s letter to the editor in the Jan. 4, 2018, issue of the Stillwater County News. I would like to make four points to the readers of Stillwater County.
Well once again Park City has to depend on the local citizens to plow out the school and bus routes as the county snowplow driver doesn’t know which lever it is to operator the plow.
All the snow does have an upside: cross country skiing in our parks is fun and good exercise.
An angel driving an SUV stopped at my house several days last March and pretty much changed my life forever. She left as quietly as she came, gone to visit another home.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) in Red Lodge wanted to take some time during this season to thank Stillwater County.
In the seven years that I have been a part of the Stillwater Republican Women (SRW), this organization has accomplished many community projects, with one being “Politics and Eggs Breakfast-Montana