Monday, January 20, 2025


April 30, 1927 – Dec. 3, 2016

Sid Glanzer, age 89, passed away on Dec. 3, 2016 in Columbus, Mont. Sid was born April 30, 1927 in Huron, S.D. and graduated from Huron High School in 1945.
He married Norine Gohring of Wessington, S.D. in 1952 (died of arthritis in 1972). They had two daughters, Dawn Glanzer (died of cancer in 1999 at age 46), and Robin Davis (husband Richard) of Absarokee, Mont. There are two grandsons, Lee and Kyle. Sid was briefly married to Florine Dickerson of Sioux Falls, S.D.
He is survived by a sister, Ramona Bywater (husband Boyd) of Portland, Ore. and a half-brother, Harlan Waldner (wife Martha) of Utah.
Sid did his own thinking and had a very successful, interesting life. It was on his Evening Huronite paper route No. 10 in Huron that he befriended Ralph Huddleston whose hobby was cameras. Sid immediately devoured this interest in photography and instantly made it his profession. He had a successful photography profession for 38 years.

Sid’s most famous acquaintance from South Dakota was the rodeo star, Casey Tibbs. On a very hot July 4 day in 1943, Sid had just taken the first action shot of Casey’s bucking horse ride. Casey told Sid to keep the negative in a lockbox in Huron because it was so special. At the time, Casey was 14 and Sid was 16.
Sid knew the secret of business and loved his world of photography with a passion, saying that he “never worked a day in his life.”

Sid predicted the future, as he sensed that a women’s movement was coming shortly. What Sid said in 1945 came to fruition when the movement actually came about in 1960. He changed his specialty to excelling in portraits of women, never having to spend a dime on advertising. In his lifetime he photographed thousands of women. Sid never bragged. He preferred to be a quiet success.
Sid was also chief photographer for NWPS (Northwest Public Service) in Huron for 30 years. He became the chief photographer for the Fawcett brothers’ hunting lodge in Wolsey for 28 years.
After meeting the world famous motivational speaker, George W. Walter, Sid produced all of his publicity photographs for ten years. Mr. Walter remarked to Sid: “You see with different eyes.”
In 1955 Sid was thrilled to have a 15 minute private interview with then ex-president Harry S. Truman who was visiting Humphry Drug Store in Huron. Mr. Truman’s comment became Sid’s lifetime motto: “Independent thinking produces maximum results.”

Sid met many public celebrities as their careers were beginning. A pretty 11-year old-girl posed for him during her school years. Later this young woman became successfully known as Cheryl Ladd. His stunning profile glamour portrait of Bonnie Enbretson Sheridan won so many first place prizes that he was politely told to let others have a chance of winning at various photography conventions.
Sid reached his goal of retirement at age 50, to devote more time to his creative ideas. After brain surgery in 1980 for hydrocephalous, his IQ score soared to 140, and innovative ideas came more frequently. Sid possessed a photographic memory and was eternally optimistic. In 1981 Sid met Effie Bell Pugsley who became a great friend for many years, traveling the world together.

One story which was very significant to Sid occurred in 1945. Sid considered this “a very sad day in Huron.” Nevin Jackson, manager of the Marvin Hughitt Hotel, refused to give a room to the very gifted black soloist, Marion Anderson. Marion subsequently received a very warm invitation to spend the night at the home of a lovely black lady named Hazel.

Sid was always receptive to good advice, including comments by people on his childhood paper route. One customer said, “Only a fool gambles what he is not prepared to lose.” Another one gave Sid one word to follow, “Soot,” which meant “Stay out of trouble!” This is what he did all his life!
Sid’s healthy lifestyle included no cigarettes, no hard liquor, and no hard drugs since he was 12. This pleased and shocked many doctors!

Sid was encouraged to move to Absarokee, Mont. about 10 years ago, where his daughter Robin resides. He became a beloved and active member of Immanuel Lutheran (ELCA) Church where he loved to sing and enjoy fellowship. He then was moved to an assisted living residence in nearby Columbus.
Sid’s funeral will be held Dec. 8 at First United Methodist Church in Huron, S.D. A memorial service will be held at Meadowlark Assisted Living in Columbus, Mont. on Sunday Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. Memorials may be given to Immanuel Lutheran, Absarokee, Mont. or to an organization of your choice.