Friday, April 19, 2024

Thank you for another great National Day of Prayer

Thank you to all who participated in National Day of Prayer May 5 at the court house steps.
Since this is an election year it is very important to cover our elected offices in prayer. I especially want to say thank you to Gwen Harrison for leading this and Paula Mandeville for the music and Carol Larson for her assistance in many areas.
Without these three able young ladies this year’s prayer time would not have been as smooth. Thank you one and all for all who kindly helped by praying in the many areas and those of you who came to support. We are always pleased to see Sen. David Howard and Rep. Forrest Mandeville. They represent us at our state level and there are many things unknown to most of us they ably represent for us. I would like to encourage those of you who have moved and need to make address changes these can be submitted to the Clerk & Recorder’s office second floor of the court house or if you have recently moved to the community and need to register locally you will know where the polling places are to vote. Your vote counts and you do make a difference. I am encouraged by all of you. Thank you to Stillwater News for the notices always going out for subscribers.

Gwen Aubrey