Thursday, April 25, 2024

Citizens request for transparency from commissioners sad

The article in the Feb. 5 issue from a citizen asking the county commissioners for more transparency was a sad commentary on our local elected officials.
Not providing a free copy of the commission minutes is penny wise and pound foolish.
Has it escaped the attention of our leaders that there is not only a lack of understanding regarding the twists and turns of deciding whether to build a new courthouse, but a lack of trust that they know what they’re doing.
The recent sparring at informational meetings on the courthouse alternatives reflect a new low in civility.
This sad state of affairs has serious implications for our county. We need more and improved county office space and this means a bond issue will be placed before the voters.
Unless trust is restored, any bond issue will fail and we will all lose.
I urge our leaders to think not only of their own interests but those of the county at large. Our state and national politics are in a similar mess of bickering and obfuscation of unpleasant facts. We can do better -- and definitely should.

Dave Grimland